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Zalakaros Bicycle Trail 3.

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Teljes táv: 23 km
Össz. emelkedő:  220 m
Össz. lejtő: -220 m
Magasság max.: 280 m
Magasság min.: 120 m

Zalakaros Bicycle Center › Fish-pond in Galambok › Zalaújlak vineyard › Zalamerenye › The Lake in Mata Valley › Garabonc › Zalakaros Bicycle Center

We recommend this wonderful tour route to those tourists who are interested in the unique natural environment. On this tour you can see one of the most beautiful ponds of South Zala, the fish-pond in Galambok, after the shady parklands near the pond you get to Zalaújlak where you can find the single-nave Roman Catholic church. Turkish people were sacking on the settlement for a long time and the memory of it is still alive. The next stop of the tour is Zalamerenye where you can see exceptional village surroundings and unique natural environment. The sight of the settlement is the water-mill of the monks of the Order of St. Paul and the St. Mihály church with its unique outfit. Those who have a chance should look at the lake in Mata valley which can be found at the border of the village.  When you come backwards, you pass through the ancient settlement of Garabonc and partly on a cycle road you can get to the bicycle center of Zalakaros.